Protection Services in Los Angeles, CA

Personal Protection
Executive Protection Specialists are considered the highest standard in personal security. Agents assigned to this unit utilize proven methods in accordance with U.S. Secret Service principles and best practices. Our disciplined agents receive training in skills such as conducting thorough advance operations, security site surveys, security planning and coordination, defensive driving, martial arts, close quarters firearms training and basic life support (BLS).
All of our Executive Protection Specialists are either current or former law enforcement officers recruited from the ranks of local, state and federal agencies. Each agent is schooled and trained in the latest tactics utilized by top executive protection agencies from around the world; which ensures that our clients get the most capable security professionals available.
We believe that there is a difference between a bouncer-like bodyguard and an Executive Protection Specialist. Each has their place in the role of providing protection. However, a bouncer-like bodyguard could probably get you out of a present difficult situation, where an executive protection specialist would never allow you to get caught in that situation in the first place. Executive Protection Specialists are meticulous planners and their attention to detail and planning techniques are extraordinary. Their skills in identifying potentially risky situations and setting up contingency plans surpass that of your everyday bouncer-like bodyguard that have little or no training.
Threat Assessment / Event Security Consultant
In an ever growing need to establish if a person or persons pose a significant threat, Threat Assessment has been a very useful tool in order to gauge the type of security needed for any given situation. Pentagon Executive Protection Services utilizes a threat assessment approach, developed by the United States Secret Service. For threats on individuals, this approach is a fact based method of assessment that does not rely on profiles specifically, but focuses on an individual’s patterns of thinking and behavior to determine whether, and to what extent, they are moving toward an attack. For event security assessments, the same approach is used, but focuses primarily on levels and barriers of defensive rings to protect VIP’s to reduce risk exposure.
Hostile / High Risk Terminations
In today’s economy and today’s emphasis on having a safe and secure work environment, more and more human resource departments are conducting high risk employment terminations than ever before. Whether you have an employee who is undermining the success of your operation due to intimidating and insubordinate behavior or your organization is performing corporate downsizing, our highly qualified consultants can aid your staff in implementing a safe strategic plan.
Pentagon Executive Protection Services experienced consultants have been conducting these types of sensitive and sometimes unpredictable terminations for years. We can significantly reduce the amount of uncertainty your staff might feel if they have never had to conduct one of these sensitive terminations. Our consultants can assist your staff with questions as to:
When do we conduct the termination?
What day of the week is more appropriate?
Where will the termination take place?
Who should conduct the termination?How many people should be in the room?
Will there be a need for security?
Conducting a safe and secure termination for both the exiting employee and management is paramount. Having the right plan in place and delivering that implemented plan seamlessly is our goal and specialty. In addition to assisting your human resources team, our agents will provide you with the comfort of knowing that any act of aggression will be handled quickly and professionally. On a number of occasions, our clients have told us that by having our agents present made all the difference in the world.
Canine (K9) Services
Dogs have been used for years in the military and law enforcement with amazing success. With their keen sense of smell dogs can quickly identify numerous odors from explosives, narcotics, property items and now even bed bugs. Our trained K9 Handlers are chosen from the ranks of law enforcement and the military with years of handling experience. Our teams have provided K9 services support to many clients including:
Executive Protection detail support for the US Secret Service for a conference attended by President Clinton and President Bush
Financial services client conferences
Awards ceremonies
Explosives sweep for a US Senator prior to speech
“Stagecoach” and “Coachella” concert operations including stage sweeps and vehicles for explosives